
Periodontitis or „paradentosis“ is disease suffering more than 60% of the population. It arises from untreated chronic gingivitis. Gums often bleed during cleaning, sometimes during meals. The gums are swollen, reddish and and the disease is also associated with an unpleasant smell from the mouth. The cause of inflammation is bacteria in dental plaque and tartar that are found on the surface of the tooth. Untreated gingivitis goes deeper and affects the bone and tissues that ensure anchoring the tooth in the jaw. In the end, the tooth can begin to wobble and if the gingivitis is not treated in time, it can happen to the loss of otherwise healthy tooth. There is a fan teeth spacing at an advanced stage. Periodontitis is usually not associated with significant pain therefore, most people ignore the symptoms and come to an advanced stage of the disease.

The treatment is associated with the elimination of bacterial coating in dental plaque and tartar. On the side of the patient is necessary to perfect oral hygiene ordinary soft brush and interdental brushes. Without this premise, further therapy makes no sense. On the dentist's side and dental hygienist it is a thorough removal of the bacterial coating on the surface of the teeth, by removing the tartar above and below the gum level, in some cases it is necessary to add antibiotics to the treatment. After tartar elimination, maintenance therapy is required, that involves regular visits to the dental hygienist (usually 2-4x per year) and regular visits to the dentist (usually 1-2x per year). In the case of non-healing of parodontitida by previous procedures, prior surgical procedures are approached, which is considerably individual with regard to the condition of the affected tissues, mostly consist of elimination the parodontal pockets. The simplest is therefore prevention, where we focus on not producing paradontitida.